Holistic Life

Nadi Shodhana pranayama for seventh chakra 

Tuesday, 11 Jun, 2024
The seventh chakra has been described as the seat of super-consciousness. (Photo courtesy: freepik.com)

By Atul Vyas

The seventh chakra is the master of the chakra system, responsible for the well-being of the individual's physical body and spiritual soul.

It represents the pure universal consciousness that resides within the body. The vibration of the seventh chakra is moving so fast it manifests as pure spirit.

The seventh chakra has been described as the seat of super-consciousness. All emotions, physical elements, thoughts, and vibrations merge with universal energy into one form.

All energy is one within the seventh chakra. When the seventh chakra is in balance, the universal love energy easily vibrates into the individual. 

The person lives through higher spiritual laws of love, peace, hope and charity. Such a person speaks the truth and inspires human kind to live up to its highest potential and his worldly difficulties disappear from his consciousness.

There are many yogic interventions to activate this chakra and one of them is Nadi Shodhana Pranayama. 

1 Sit in a comfortable pose keeping your spine erect. 
2. Rest your left hand on your left knee. 
3. Now exhale through your nose and close your right nostril with your right thumb. 
4 Now inhale gently through your left nostril for five counts. 
5.Then lift your right thumb and exhale slowly through your right nostrils for 5 counts. 
6. Now inhale gently through your right nostril for 5 counts. 
7 Now close the right nostril by thumb and release the left nostril and exhale through your left nostril. 
8 This completes one cycle. Repeat 10 cycles. 

1 it activates and balances seventh chakra. 
2. It calms and clears the mind. 
3. It is said to synchronise the two hemispheres of the brain. 
4. It helps in insomnia.
5. It is very purifying.

(Atul Vyas likes to be called a “Yoga Scientist”. He is a celebrity yoga trainer and has trained several top Hollywood and Bollywood stars. He has trained for years under many eminent yoga gurus including his illustrious mother Daya Vyas, the first lady yoga guru of India)