'Game of Thrones' actor Tom Hopper, seen in the just-released romantic comedy 'Space Cadet', has expressed his desire to make a Bollywood movie one day. Stating that he would like to explore Indian cinema, Hopper told ANI news agency that he has learned about Bollywood films from his Indian friends.
“Yes, yes, absolutely (I do follow Indian cinema). I actually would love to make a Bollywood movie. I think it would be so much fun because they are absolutely gnarly. Also, I’ve got a lot of Indian friends and I’ve learned a little bit about Bollywood movies (from them). And I think that that’s a whole world that I think a lot of us in the West don’t tap into it. I think why don’t we go over there and try and get into Bollywood movies…It would be amazing,” he said.
Hopper's 'Space Cadet' -- a comedy about the power of being yourself, following your dreams, and shooting for the stars -- also features Emma Roberts, Gabrielle Union, and Poppy Liu, and is written and directed by Liz W Garcia of 'Purple Hearts' and 'The Sinner' fame. It came out on Prime Video on July 4.