Aamir Khan's son Junaid Khan, who made his Bollywood debut with the historical drama 'Maharaj', said he is grateful for the positive response the film received after its release last week. In conversation with ANI, Junaid said, "I'm very grateful for the by and large positive response that Maharaj has received. So yeah, it's quite satisfying; I guess all's well that ends well."
"Maharaj was made with a lot of love, respect, and passion, and I'm glad that the film and my performance are striking a chord with the audience at large," said Junaid, who plays a determined journalist from the pre-independence era in the film.
When asked about receiving advice from his father Aamir Khan, Junaid told the news agency: "He normally lets us do what we want to do unless we ask for something very specific; then he gives advice. But he liked the film. He saw the film a few months ago and he quite liked it."
The film was finally released on Netflix after multiple delays after the Gujarat High Court lifted the interim stay on it, observing that the movie is not derogatory and does not target the Pushtimarg sect as alleged. After the High Court's decision, YRF also took to its official Instagram handle and posted a statement expressing gratitude.
Directed by Sidharth P Malhotra and produced by YRF Entertainment, the film delves into the 1862 Maharaj Libel Case, starring Junaid alongside Jaideep Ahlawat and Shalini Pandey. The historical drama is based on one of the greatest legal battles in Indian history: the 1862 Maharaj Libel Case.
Based on true incidents that took place in 1862, pre-Independence India, 'Maharaj' follows the journey of one of India's greatest social reformers, Karsandas Mulji. The story showcases one man's courage to stand against the injustices of his time. Critics and fans alike have lauded the film for its powerful performances.