Roy Kapur Films in collaboration with Trickitainment Media will be making a biopic on the life of India’s first chief election commissioner Sukumar Sen. The announcement came just ahead of the Lok Sabha election results.
Sen, a mathematician and civil servant, played a poignant role in transforming India from a British colony to a democratic republic. He managed an electorate of 175 million people and oversaw the 1952 general election, which was the first election in the history of independent India.
Sharing his thoughts about the biopic, producer Siddharth Roy Kapur stated, “We are so honored to bring to life the incredible story of one of our national heroes Sukumar Sen, who played a crucial role in shaping India’s democratic history. From the very system of identifying political parties by different symbols and colors in order to combat illiteracy to coming up with the idea of indelible ink on fingernails to avoid voter impersonation…so many of his innovations are in place even today! His contribution to laying the architecture for our democratic process deserves to be celebrated and we look forward to bringing audiences in India and around the world this thrilling story of our very first election and the amazing man behind it.”
Romanchak Arora from Trickitainment Media said Sen’s story is filled with monumental and dramatic moments which will resonate with all Indian citizens who exercise the right to vote. “Told after 73 years, it is a must-see for all generations across the nation,” Arora said.