Actress Priyanka Chopra's stunning necklace recently grabbed the eyeballs of netizens as she made a stunning appearance for an event, celebrating the 140th anniversary of the Bulgari brand. According to reports, the necklace is priced at a whopping Rs 358 crore and contains 140 pieces of diamonds, one for each year of the brand’s completion.
The Serpenti Aeterna necklace is regarded as one of Bulgari’s most valuable neck pieces and it took 2800 hours to finish this masterpiece. According to Vogue, "a superb rough diamond weighing over 20 carats, expertly cut into seven pear-shaped drops, is the focal point of the Serpenti Aeterna, one of the most valuable pieces ever crafted in Bulgari’s ateliers. 698 baguette diamonds worth 61.81 carats are skillfully set within a curved, three-dimensional wave structure to showcase the diamonds".
A video by film journalist Garima Kumar on Instagram has shown some reactions of users who have called the actress out since she’s also a National Ambassador to UNICEF India working to solve world hunger.
One Instagram user wrote: “That is ridiculous. $43 million can feed a whole country with that money! How many children died of starvation while you were flaunting that $43 Million Necklace?” Another said: “Really it's a shame... Used to respect her. But I guess she sold her soul or she never had one, to begin with”.