The T20 World Cup-winning Team India returned home to a euphoric reception on Thursday morning, after winning the title in Barbados. Hundreds of fans were seen holding the national flag and cheering for their favorite players at the Indira Gandhi International Airport in New Delhi. They spent close to two hours at the residence of the Prime Minister before heading back to the hotel. The players then flew to Mumbai at 2pm to participate in an open bus victory parade followed by a felicitation ceremony at the Wankhede Stadium.
The Wankhede Stadium was not surprisingly a cauldron of noise and excitement. The atmosphere reached a fever pitch as the beloved national team captain, Rohit Sharma, stepped onto the field. His attempt to address the crowd was thwarted by the deafening cheers and applause, a testament to his popularity and the euphoria surrounding the team's victory.
"Mumbai never disappoints. We got a solid reception. On behalf of the team, we would like to thank the fans. I am very very happy and relieved," Rohit Sharma said at the Wankhede Stadium. During the ceremony, Rohit also took a moment to praise his teammate Hardik Pandya, which triggered a wave of chants of "Hardik, Hardik" from the enthusiastic crowd. A visibly moved Hardik stood up and acknowledged the fans, adding to the emotional and celebratory atmosphere at Wankhede.
Amidst the fanfare, Suryakumar Yadav and Shivam Dube stole the spotlight with their energetic dance moves, leading the team in a spontaneous celebration. The Indian players, clearly relishing the moment, joined in the fun as they made their way into the stadium ahead of their grand felicitation ceremony.