Kullu: Union Minister and senior BJP leader Nitin Gadkari said they needed the people’s support to make India a “vishwa-guru” while addressing an election rally in Kutlehar in Himachal Pradesh. “We have to make India the third largest economy of the world and for which we need an honest government. If you will again elect our government under the leadership of Prime Minister Narendra Modi, we assure that we will fulfill this dream,” Gadkari said.
The minister said that these elections, in a real sense, are about the future of the public. "If you want development and country and Himachal then you have to think which party and candidate will change your future."
Polling for the four Lok Sabha seats in Himachal Pradesh — Shimla (reserved), Kangra, Mandi and Hamirpur — along with bypoll for six Assembly seats is scheduled for June 1.